Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nokia 800/SeaRay to ‘only’ cost €499? #NokiaVNN

With Nokia World 2011 just a little over a week away, one can expect more and more details about Nokia’s WP line up to emerge. Unfortunatly though we can’t bring you any juicy news about a new device, press renders or even a leaked hands on video with any of the upcoming Nokia Windows Phones.

What news we do have for you today is some more insight in that list of phones from Italian carrier Tim. A release in November was already rumoured because of that list, but now the people from noticed a little more in the list. All phones are listed according to price rather than name or brand.

The highest prices are reserved for the upcoming iPhones and on the bottom end we see the Nokia 700 and a HTC Wildfire S. Prices for that mystery Nokia Windows Phone 7.5 device are blocked by a nice black bar, but if we were to look at the price above and below it is fairly easy to assume that this Nokia phone will retail for around 499 euros.

Is this cheap? We don’t know, after all the specs are unknown. Noteworthy is the presence of the Samsung Omnia W in that list for only 349! euros. I don’t want to sound like Elop, but Samsung could have a winner on its hands if the Omnia W were to cost that.

Whatever the future Nokia Windows Phones might cost, price will be a key factor for the succes of Nokia’s offering. Smaller margins now could give Nokia a solid base with their Windows Phones. Priced too high and people might tend to get something more proven like an Android device.


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