Friday, December 2, 2011

Cloud GPS - Meego Nokia N9 - Free App Download

Intuitive and VERY SMOOTH maps with great user experience. Supports tile based maps such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Google Satellite, Virtual Earth and others. Allows for searching for adresses and POI and routing to destination using CloudMade and Google services. Leverages hardware features like: OpenGL ES, multitouch, GPS, compass and accelerometer.

The most important features implemented so far:

  • Searching using CloudMade, Google Address Search, Google Maps and Google Maps around current location (press S to cycle).
  • After fetching search results camera flies (smoothly of course) to zoom and location that allows displaying all results at the same time. Tap search result marker to display its name on status bar.
  • Fluid flyby to target animation using intermediate zoom levels (search results, GPS location, etc),
  • Route calculation using CloudMade and Google Maps (press R to cycle): press and hold on map to invoke popup menu, select Directions from/to here. You can also tap and drag route start or end and route will be recalculated.
  • Turn by turn instructions are displayed on locations near route (within 30 meters). Distance to next turn by turn direction is calculated as well as distance to route destination (this one is not accurate due to some bug).
  • Route is rendered with rounded lines. Line thickness is calculated automatically based on current zoom level.
  • Last calculated route is stored locally and reloaded (without using network) on next startup.
  • Route overview flyby – camera will follow route drom start to end. Press D to activate.
  • Off-line mode (press Z to toggle),
  • Added UNICODE to ASCII conversion on every string returned from search and routing providers.
  • Added arrow indicating direction to current GPS position (visible on screen edge when current position is outside screen).
  • Added map scale.
  • Added distance from current position to map center calculation (press C to toggle),
  • Added close and task manager buttons in landscape view.
  • Partial port to N950 (no GPS, accelerometer or compass support yet).
  • Added more tile providers by default (press N to cycle). Current list includes: OpenStreetMap I, OpenStreetMap II, OpenCycleMap, Google Maps, Google Satellite, Google Hybrid, UK OS Maps, Virtual Earth Maps, Virtual Earth Satellite, Virtual Earth Hybrid, UMP-PL.

Click below to download :

[] Cloud GPS - Meego Nokia N9 - Free App Download

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