Monday, August 29, 2011

Nokia 701 8MP Camera Test – HD Video and Still Images Samples

As one of the luckiest bloggers that WOMWorld brought in Hong Kong last week, Nokia showered us with a treat of bringing the newest Nokia smartphones to try out for couple of weeks so I chose the Nokia 701 to try whilst my other friends went to Nokia 700 and 600. Nokia 700 has the brightest screen with 3.5″ IPS display with CBD technology, 1Ghz CPU, 512MB RAM, 8MP camera and running on Symbian Belle.

During we’re in HK we have had the opportunity to use these devices and my Nokia 701 was my primary cameraphone as we tour the majestic places there. So below are the few still and video shots I’ve captured with 701′s 8MP snapper. Although it’s on Full Focus and it can’t do some close up shots still the device performed well as a cameraphone both in video and still.

via zomgitscj

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